5 Ways To Drive Traffic To Your Blog

So, you’ve spent the time to create great content on your blog, but now the ultimate question is: How do I get people to read/watch it? Trying to keep people’s attention isn’t easy in a digital world where there are so many distractions. Getting people to view your blog regularly is always tough, but these tips will help, here are 5 ways to drive traffic to your blog.

1. Find Your Audience

The internet is a very large place, which means it has plenty of nooks and crannies. Just posting your content online won’t be enough to get people to your blog, because chances are there is a large percentage of people who do not relate or care about the content you’re providing. Instead, find out where your audience spends their time, whether it is a popular forum or a particular subreddit, or a popular hashtag that people look out for, find it and post your content there. The people there are a lot more likely to be interested in your content as opposed to your friend from sixth grade who you have on Facebook.

2. Influencers

Influencers play a huge role in the blogging world, usually because they are an authority on their subject matter and have a loyal fanbase of people who respect and value their opinion. An influencer has the ability to gain you some new fans just from sharing an article featured on your blog. Find out who the influencers are in your industry and build relationships with them. A retweet from one of these people could go a long way and will also legitimize your knowledge of the subject matter.

3. Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is a great way to attract a new audience. Placing your content on a website that has its own following will help you gain some traction and lead people to your blog if they enjoy your content. You may feel like you’re giving away great content, but there is nothing wrong with that if it going to help trickle people to your blog. Similar to influencers, build relationships with websites that are in your industry or an industry related to yours in which readers would be interested in your content as well. For example, if you blog about laptops, you could benefit from guest blogging with people who write about teaching basic computer skills, people selling laptops, or people who sell computer accessories. Building relationships with people related to your industry can be very beneficial as their customers can be your customers as well.

4. Repurpose Your Content

It’s tough to make that one piece of content that is going to hit a home run and will have people flocking to your website daily. When that one piece of content doesn’t do as great as you hoped, don’t give up on it, you can use it again. Repurpose your content, take excerpts and expand on them to make them a blog on their own. Take lines out and use them as an Instagram post or a Twitter post. You can use all these methods and link back to the original content in hopes of attracting a few more readers.

5. Share Content Again

Similar to the previous point, your content is not always going to do as well as you want it to, so at times you’re going to need to combat that. Your content does not have to be forgotten about when it doesn’t do as well you had hoped, you can share your content again. Share it at a different time, on a different day, when something relevant in your industry arises. The content may need to be updated, but there is nothing wrong with sharing your content multiple times.

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