Jaeme Quintanilla

230 – Twitter is Paying Creators, Threads is Here, and 3 Phases of Every Social Platform

Twitter has started paying creators, and in big amounts. We get into why Elon is doing this.  The episode also gets into Threads, and my predictions for the platform.  The episode finishes with a look at the monetization phases of every social media platform. Jordan’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jordanscheltgen/Jordan’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/jordanscheltgen ——-

229 – How Scrappy You Have to Be to Win Marketshare As an Alcohol Startup

Jordan sits down with Chris Allen from Osena Spiked Coconut Water to talk about what it takes to grow a CPG startup. Chris talks about what it takes on the front lines to grow a CPG beverage brand. Get Osena: https://drinkosena.com/ Jordan’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jordanscheltgen/Jordan’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/jordanscheltgen Chris’ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christopher-d-allen/ Hire our agency: https://www.cavesocial.com ——-

228 – How to Start and Grow Communities Organically With Simon Chou

We sit with Simon Chou, an expert in community creation and curation, to talk about how he approaches community building. He is a podcaster, community leader and avid marketer.  Jordan’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jordanscheltgen/Jordan’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/jordanscheltgen Simon’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonchou1/Marketing On Mars Podcast: https://marketingonmars.com/ ——-

227 – The Power of Going Your Own Speed with Erica Rankin (Bro Dough)

Erica Rankin, Founder of Bro Dough, joins the show to talk about how she started her CPG brand with $10K, and how she has grown the brand within Canada. She documents her journey on TikTok/LinkedIn and shows the power that’s in going your own speed in CPG. Get Bro Dough: https://eatbrodough.com/ Jordan’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jordanscheltgen/Jordan’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/jordanscheltgen Erica’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ericabrodough/

226 – Tapping Into the Future: Will Cannabis Cocktails Become the New Norm at Bars?

We sit with Jason Reposa, creator of Good Feels, a cannabis-infused drink to talk about the challenges he’s overcome launching a cannabis-infused beverage. We get into Jason’s vision for the future and why he’s pushing the chips in to bet on the cannabis market. Get Good Feels: https://getgoodfeels.com/ Jordan’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jordanscheltgen/Jordan’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/jordanscheltgen Jason’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasonreposa/ ——- Take our

225 – How IQBar Grew from a Kickstarter to Millions in Revenue

How Will Nitze has grown IQBar from a Kickstarter to millions in revenue. Get IQ Bars: https://www.eatiqbar.com/ Jordan’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jordanscheltgen/ Jordan’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/jordanscheltgen Will’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/will-nitze/ ——- Take our course on growing a service business: https://www.hyclass.co/six-figure-sales-page Get marketing help: https://www.cavesocial.com Join our newsletter: https://www.hyclass.co/think-forward

224 – How The Nutr Drove $1 Million in Sales in 5 Months (And What’s Next)

We sit with The Nutr, Co-Founder and CEO, Alicia Long, to discuss how she approaches e-commerce in 2023. She started The Nutr, a kitchen product, she was able to get on Shark Tank. Since then, she’s continued to grow her company through a new take on e-commerce. Listen to more episodes: https://mympodcast.co Buy from The

223 – How to Create a Profitable Beverage Brand While Donating 50% of Profits

See how CLEAN Cause is growing a purpose-led beverage brand. CLEAN Cause is dedicated to having 50% of profits go toward addiction recovery. Todd joins us to talk about his journey to joining CLEAN Cause, and how he is seeing the company help transform lives daily. Listen to more episodes: https://mympodcast.co LinkedIn: Todd Bondy –  https://www.linkedin.com/in/todd-bondy-574264201/Buy from

221 – The Business of Cocktail Mixers – How Hella Cocktails is Growing

We sat with Eddie Simeón, one of the co-founders of Hella Cocktails, to talk about how his team is growing a cocktail mixer business, and maintaining culture.  LinkedIn: Eddie SimeónWebsite: Hella Cocktail Co.Instagram: @hellacocktailcoAmazon Store: Hella Cocktail Co. ——- Take our course on growing a service business: https://www.hyclass.co/six-figure-sales-page Get marketing help: https://www.cavesocial.com Join our newsletter: https://www.hyclass.co/think-forward

220 – How Coco Vinny Plans to Control the US Coconut Supply

After being on SharkTank and ABC’s The Profit, Coco Vinny has gone back to the drawing board, creating his new Coco Love coconut water. In the process, he’s committed to planting one million coconut trees in the western hemisphere. Hear more about his mission and why planting coconuts closer to the USA is so pivotal.

218 – Building Case Study Buddy With Joel Klettke

Today on the show we bring on Joel Klettke to talk about his journey from copywriting/SEO to founding and managing Case Study Buddy. Joel talks about his successes and struggles launching and running his own company. LinkedIn: Joel KlettkeWebsite:  Case Buddy StudyTwitter:  @JoelKlettke ——- Take our course on growing a service business: https://www.hyclass.co/six-figure-sales-page Get marketing help: https://www.cavesocial.com Join

217 – Growing a CPG Company From CDMX with Alan Cohen

Hear the moment when Alan Cohen knew he had to bring delicious Mexican coconut water to the market. Alan takes a unique experience, growing his brand from his hometown of Mexico City, and bringing it to the United States. LinkedIn: Alan CohenWebsite: KokomioInstagram: mykokomio ——- Take our course on growing a service business: https://www.hyclass.co/six-figure-sales-page Get marketing help: https://www.cavesocial.com

216 – Growing Pricklee Cactus Water with Kun Yang

Kun Yang Pricklee

See how Kun Yang took his idea and made it a reality with the creation of Pricklee Cactus Water. LinkedIn: Kun YangWebsite: Pricklee Cactus WaterTikTok: @drinkprickleeInstagram: drinkpricklee ——- Take our course on growing a service business: https://www.hyclass.co/six-figure-sales-page Get marketing help: https://www.cavesocial.com Join our newsletter: https://www.hyclass.co/think-forward From Healthcare to Hydration: Pricklee Cactus Water’s Journey in the Beverage Market Welcome back

Twitter Users Forced to Pay $8 to Keep Verification

Jordan breaks down the latest with Twitter Verification and Elon Musk. This short episode goes into whether you should buy Twitter Blue or not. ——- Take our course on growing a service business: https://www.hyclass.co/six-figure-sales-page Get marketing help: https://www.cavesocial.com Join our newsletter: https://www.hyclass.co/think-forward

215 – Create Once, Distribute Forever: Harnessing the Power of Content with Ross Simmonds

In a world where content is king, strategic distribution is key to making your message heard. Join us as we explore the power of content marketing and the techniques you need to maximize your reach and engagement. LinkedIn: Ross SimmondsWebsite: Foundation MarketingPodcast: Create Like the Greats ——- Take our course on growing a service business: https://www.hyclass.co/six-figure-sales-page Get marketing

214 – Small Steps, Big Impact: How Alec’s Ice Cream is Growing

We believe that slow and steady wins the race. Join us as we talk with Alec Jaffe, Founder & CEO of Alec’s Ice Cream who has taken a patient approach to business growth, and learn how you can do the same. LinkedIn – Alec JaffeWebsite – Alec’s Ice Cream ——- Take our course on growing a service

213 – Building a Strong Brand Through Product Quality with Amy Zitelman

In this podcast, Amy discusses the importance of putting the product first and how it can lead to increased customer loyalty and brand recognition. LinkedIn: Amy ZitelmanWebsite: Soom Foods ——- Take our course on growing a service business: https://www.hyclass.co/six-figure-sales-page Get marketing help: https://www.cavesocial.com Join our newsletter: https://www.hyclass.co/think-forward