4 Old School Marketing Tactics That Still Work – Episode 29
Show Notes
This week we’re discussing some of the more traditional forms of marketing that should not be forgotten. We actually use all four of these tactics at Cave.
Beer of the Day: Clearwater Honey Cream by Pair O’ Dice Brewing
@CaveJustin: 10/10
@CaveJordanS: 9/10

Here’s a quick summary:
1. Public Relations is still important – earned media is extremely valuable!
2. Networking is priceless
3. Hosting events can bring in new prospects
4. Identify partnerships by finding companies with similar customer bases who aren’t competitors
5. Try affiliate marketing tactics
Awesome tools we mentioned:
We mentioned several tools and websites this episode.
2. Meetup.com is a great place to find or host events
3. Lanyrd is a website to find speakers for events
Other items we discussed:
1. We love Udemy as a resource and mentioned it in the video. Here’s another episode where we discuss four of the best resources for marketers.
Be sure to tweet any questions you have to the guys on Twitter – just use the hashtag #AskCave
[Tweet “”Do not concern yourself with vanity metrics. Focus on these instead.” -@CaveJordans”]
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