How to Properly Use LinkedIn – Episode 2
In this episode, the guys will walk you through the proper ways to use LinkedIn for both individuals and businesses. You’ll learn what to post, best practices, and why recommendations are 10x more powerful than endorsements.
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Here’s a quick summary:
1. Connect with industry leaders in your space
2. Always fill out your profile and add your accomplishments – even if you’re not looking for a new job
3. LinkedIn Pulse is an exciting tool for both readers and publishers
4. Tweet any articles your write @LinkedInPulse for a higher chance of being featured
5. Always re-post on Pulse, and put your call to action within your articles
6. Write recommendations for people you’ve worked with
7. As a business, you should show off your company culture
8. Share the content you want your employees/prospects to see
Be sure to tweet any questions you have to the guys on Twitter – just use the hashtag #InTheCave
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