7 Ads that Will Inspire Your Marketing Efforts
Not all ads are created the same. In fact, for most advertisers it’s a daily struggle just trying to make ads that aren’t viewed as nuisances. Here are 7 of our favorite ads that not only inspire us to be better marketers, but also make us want to take out our credit cards.
1. Carrie – The Telekinetic Coffee Shop Surprise
When Carrie came out, they didn’t have tons of money for marketing like most Hollywood films. So what did they do? They got creative and tried to think of a way that they could generate tons of buzz around the movie while making a something that wasn’t too costly. Well, they succeeded.
2. TNT – Your Daily Dose of Drama
When TNT was starting to air their channel in Europe, they decided it would be better for them to go non-traditional and make something different. They did just that and made something scary, exciting, cheesy and all-around perfectly dramatic, just like they promised.
3. Molson Canadian – Beer Fridge
Molson Canadian knocked it out of the park, once again. They wanted to introduce their beer to Europe so they placed beer fridges all around the continent and the results are nothing short of heart-warming no matter what country you come from.
4. Red Bull – Stratos Jump
Red Bull is perhaps the best advertisers when it comes to thinking outside of the box. This time they thought outside of the stratosphere and got millions of impressions on their brand (and broke a world record). Watching it gives you chills and makes you want to drink a Red Bull.
5. Mcdonald’s – Pay with Lovin’
Many think that 2015’s Super Bowl commercials were a little bit lackluster and I wouldn’t argue with them. The only exception that we all remember is McDonald’s making a bold statement and telling their customers that they could pay with a loving phone call to mom or bust out a dance move. It’s not easy for mega-corporations to make you feel warm and fuzzy inside and somehow, McDonald’s pulled it off.
6. WestJet – Christmas Miracle
WestJet performed one of the better Christmas stunts in 2013 and even managed to make adults believe in Santa Claus again. WestJet doesn’t do tons of advertising, but when they do they hit home runs.
7. Budweiser – A Hero’s Welcome
Who knew beer companies were really good at advertising? Budweiser managed to pull on everyone’s heart strings in one of their last campaigns where they welcomed home a soldier by throwing a parade in his honor, right outside his house. His reaction is priceless.
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