5 Ways to Enhance Any Adwords Campaign – Episode 38
Show Notes
This week we’re discussing all things Google Adwords! If you have a campaign up and running or are thinking about putting one together, give this video a watch.
Beer of the Day: No beers! Drinking in public is frowned upon in California.
@CaveJustin: 0/10
@CaveJordanS: 0/10

Here’s a quick summary:
1. Think about the searcher’s intent – what would you search for if you were in their shoes?
2. Make Sure The First Letter Of Every Word In Your Ad Is Capitalized (Like This)
3. Add in “Call Now” to your mobile ads, and be sure to promote your phone number
4. You need to match your ad to your landing page – bring people to the page they’re expecting to see when they click
5. Use negative keywords whenever possible
6. Get to know Google – they have representatives that are willing to help
Awesome tools we mentioned:
1. Wordstream has a great negative keyword tool
Other items we discussed:
If you’re interested in improving your website experience for your customers (which we all should be), check out this video on Google Analytics. We go over the 4 most important metrics to watch.
Be sure to tweet any questions you have to the guys on Twitter – just use the hashtag #AskCave
[Tweet “”Setting up negative keywords saves you a ton of money” -@CaveJustin”]
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