how to get followers on social media

How to Get Real Followers on Social Media in 2024

In today’s digital landscape, gaining authentic followers on your business accounts isn’t just about playing the algorithm game; it’s about genuine human connection. The hacks that used to work are obsolete. So, let’s break down what actually works to grow your social media following in 2024.

1. Brute Force: Building Genuine Connections

Forget the shortcuts; real engagement is the way forward. This means taking the time to connect with every individual who interacts with your content. If your posts aren’t receiving comments, it’s on you to initiate the conversation elsewhere. Engage meaningfully with influencers and creators in your industry. This isn’t about spamming 5,000 comments in hopes of a hit; it’s about building real relationships, one interaction at a time.

How to Execute:

  • Engage Meaningfully: Respond thoughtfully to comments on your posts. Automated responses won’t cut it—they’re easy to spot and feel insincere.
  • Targeted Engagement: Spend 15-30 minutes daily or weekly engaging with content from a curated list of industry influencers. Leave thoughtful comments and build rapport over time.

This approach is labor-intensive but worth it. The quality of followers you attract this way will be more engaged and loyal.

2. Leverage Algorithm-Favored Content Types

Creating content that platforms prioritize can significantly boost your visibility. Instagram Reels, TikTok videos, and YouTube Shorts are prime examples. These formats are designed to reach new audiences, not just your existing followers.

How to Execute:

  • Hook and Engage: Craft compelling hooks to capture attention within the first few seconds. Provide valuable, engaging content that encourages viewers to follow you for more.
  • Consistency: Regularly post this type of content to maintain visibility and engagement.

By aligning your content strategy with what the algorithms favor, you maximize your chances of reaching a broader audience.

3. Consistent Posting

Consistency isn’t just about frequency; it’s about maintaining a steady presence in your followers’ feeds. Regular posting increases your chances of engagement and keeps your audience coming back.

How to Execute:

  • Content Calendar: Plan and schedule your posts in advance. This ensures a consistent flow of content.
  • Recycle High-Performing Content: Don’t shy away from reposting successful content. It’s a smart way to keep your feed active without the constant need for new material.

Consistency helps establish your brand’s reliability and keeps you top-of-mind for your audience.

4. Running Ads and Partnerships

While ads can be a quick way to boost your follower count, they can also be costly. Consider strategic partnerships with creators of a similar size. Collaborative content can expose you to their followers and vice versa.

How to Execute:

  • Partner with Creators: Collaborate with industry influencers to create content. This can lead to a short-term boost in followers.
  • Offer Incentives: Run contests or giveaways to attract new followers. Be mindful of the quality of these followers, as they might not stick around long-term.

Strategic partnerships can amplify your reach without the hefty price tag of traditional advertising.

5. Focus on Follower Quality

Ultimately, the quality of your followers is more important than the quantity. Building genuine relationships ensures your followers are engaged and loyal, which is far more valuable than inflated numbers.

How to Execute:

  • Daily Engagement: Aim to connect with three to five new people each day. This steady, organic growth will lead to a more dedicated follower base.

Supporting Statistics

  • Global Growth: The number of social media users globally grew from 4.72 billion in January 2023 to 5.04 billion in January 2024, an 8% increase​ (Smart Insights)​.
  • Platform Dominance: Facebook remains the most used social media platform with 3.06 billion monthly active users as of April 2024​ (SocialPilot)​.
  • Instagram’s Reach: Instagram boasts over 2 billion monthly active users as of October 2023​ (Search Engine Journal)​.

Implement these strategies to cultivate a genuine, engaged following on social media in 2024. Focus on real connections, leverage platform algorithms, and maintain consistent, quality content. Stay authentic, and the numbers will follow.