How to Make More Money With Facebook Ads – Episode 33
Show Notes
This week we discuss Facebook ads, and ways to improve your return on investment.
Beer of the Day: No beers! Drinking in public is frowned upon in California.
@CaveJustin: 0/10
@CaveJordanS: 0/10

Here’s a quick summary:
1. Match your targeting to your goal
2. Look at what you’re trying to accomplish, and backtrack
3. Set up a Facebook pixel so you can see who converts, and remarket to people who visit your website
4. Use email addresses to target a custom audience
5. Research each of the different types of ads, and try out the options – there are tons
6. Match your ad to your website – if you run an ad for a product make sure the landing page features that product
7. Don’t fall off the railing
Awesome tools we mentioned:
1. We didn’t mention any tools – but we did discuss a lot of resources, which we’ll add below in the “other items” section.
Other items we discussed:
1. Justin mentioned retargeting ads, and the importance of tracking visitors to your website. He wrote an article and shot a video on the subject which you can read by clicking the link above, or watch below:
2. We also discussed a video we shot on three of our favorite types of Facebook ads, you can watch that here:
3. Finally, Jordan referenced an article that outlines all of the types of Facebook Ads. Here’s that article, featured on one of our favorite companies blogs, Wordstream.
Be sure to tweet any questions you have to the guys on Twitter – just use the hashtag #AskCave
[Tweet “”Oh God, I’m falling off the railing” -@CaveJustin”]
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