How to Stay Practical About Digital Marketing – Episode 17
Show Notes
In this episode, we discuss Snapchat, marketing gurus, and why you shouldn’t put all of your marketing eggs into one basket.
Beer of the Day: ‘Merica by Prairie Artisan Ales
@CaveJustin: 7.5/10
@CaveJordanS: 7.5/10

Here’s a quick summary:
1. New platforms are great, but they don’t require 100% of your attention
2. Snapchat’s targeting options are not fully developed
3. If you need to show your boss or client hard numbers, new platforms can be tricky
4. Don’t abandon proven strategies for shiny new platforms
5. Know your demographics before you select a marketing channel
Awesome tools we mentioned:
1. No tools mentioned this week – we did offer up our World Series picks though. Here’s a look at an awesome ad-spot from Nike that aired right after the Cubs victory.
Other items we discussed:
1. We mentioned that Everlane is a company doing Snapchat right – take a look at a sample of their stories here, or follow them on Snapchat here.
Be sure to tweet any questions you have to the guys on Twitter – just use the hashtag #AskCave
[Tweet “”Don’t abandon what’s already generating sales” -@CaveJordanS”]
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